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The Emilia-Romagna Region has decided to orient, interpret and drive every resolution regarding regional and territorial policies with the support of data. In order to do so, Emilia-Romagna Region can now count on a supercomputer fifty-thousand times more powerful than any computer currently on the market.
This highly performing machine is available for every public subject of the regional territory, including Universities, Municipalities, research institutions, Districts, Ministry of justice and schools, ready to offer highly valuable services for Emilia-Romagna citizens. Moreover, this will lay the foundation to start working with the neighboring Regions with whom we share ridges, the air we breathe and the Po river. With its 75 computational nodes, this HPC machine can integrate and elaborate a massive quantity of data from separate sources: from the environmental risk management to the epidemiologic surveillance, from the car accidents prevention to the reduction of pollutants and so on. The Big Data Platform Project is a vanguard for the Region and for the public administrations spread on the territory.
The Emilia-Romagna Region has destined 3.5 million euros to this project, which was realized with the technical support of the in-house company Lepida ScpA and financed thanks to the resources allocated by Development and Cohesion Fund (DCF), which is dedicated to fighting every territorial disparity.

“With this project we want to share with the public administrations of our Region an extremely sophisticated, modern and trustworthy tool for data management – says Paola Salomoni, regional councilor for Agenda Digitale. These data today are an important asset that could improve territorial management and simplify the lives of citizens, if well exploited. This is a new fundamental step to implement the objectives of the regional Agenda Digitale, which aims to excel and to leave no one behind.”

For its innovative character and its ability to spread knowledge rooted in numbers and educated sources, the name of the project is MarghERita, as a tribute to the World renewed scientist Margherita Hack, one of the most brilliant minds of the Italian scientific community, who worked hard both to share and seek knowledge.