The first three projects that were presented to the Regione Emilia-Romagna proclamation for the free use of the Big Data Platform marghERita (which is financed with FSC fundings, owned by Emilia-Romagna Region, managed by Lepida and available for every public administration of the territory) have been approved by a committee elected by the Regional Resolution.
“INTEGRATING GENOMIC, RADIOMIC, AND CLINICAL DATA FOR PRECISION MEDICINE: A MULTIMODAL APPROACH” (healthcare) was presented by the University of Bologna in collaboration with the University of Parma and has the aim of testing algorithms to combine data for the prevention of lung cancer;
“PREDICTIVE ANALYSIS, MONITORING AND MANAGEMENT OF CLIMATE CHANGE EFFECTS LEVERAGING SATELLITE OBSERVATIONS” (environmental risks) was presented by the Po River District Basin Authority (AdBPo) in collaboration with the Italian Space Agency, the CNR, the University of Padua, the University of Bologna and the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, and has as its objective to support AdBPo in the planning and management of risks associated with the evolution of natural processes in various territorial areas, such as the plains and valley bottoms (river system) and slopes (rockslides and rock glaciers);
“NOISE OBSERVATION AND IMPACT STUDY AT IMOLA'S SPEEDWAY AND ENVIRONS” (noise pollution) was presented by the Metropolitan City of Bologna in collaboration with Imola Municipality, Formula Imola and Ausilio SPA and it aims to correlate phonometric data collected at the Imola racetrack with meteorological data and track activities to evaluate their influence on noise levels.
Last update: 02-12-2024, 11:51
Photo: Francik Woło.... from Pixabay