MarghERita is the name of the supercomputer that the Emilia-Romagna Region shares with the public administrations of its territory in order to orient, interpret and guide the choices of regional and local politics with data.
This HPC (High Performance Computing) machine is equipped with 75 computational nodes and it’s able to integrate and elaborate a massive quantity of data from separate sources: from the environmental risk management to the epidemiologic surveillance, from the car accidents prevention to the reduction of pollutants and so on.
Call for projects: active
The participation call is online and active until the 31 of December 2024
Every public administration of the Emilia-Romagna Region can participate (municipalities, provinces, healthcare agencies, public non-economic bodies). Groups of public regional or non-regional entities can also participate if lead by an Emilia-Romagna region one.
Three kinds of projects are allowed: projects already implemented on a smaller scale that can be expanded, projects already defined but not yet implemented and project ideas not yet developed.
How does it work
Every two months, a committee of experts will validate the submissions regarding the 4 main not exclusive topics – management of environmental risk, epidemiologic surveillance, prevention of car accidents, reduction of pollution.
The assessment of the projects takes different elements into consideration: goals, methodology, sources of consulted data, collaborations, predicted impact, predicted actions, timetable, necessary resources regarding both MarghERita and algorithms and amount of professional figures to turn to.
Every project deemed suitable will be activated until the saturation of the supercomputer capacity.
MarghERita is innovation available to the territory, cooperation between regional and neighboring entities; MarghERita is the ability to spread information based on data and to anticipate scenarios with models and simulations just a click away.
Contacts and Information
For further information, contact:
Last update: 18-06-2024, 16:37